Universal Prayer or Prayer of the Faithful, Ordinary Time 2013, Week 16.

To God our Father, Who abundantly provides for our needs, we pray:

1. Jesus declares: “There is need of only one thing. Mary has chosen the better part and it will not be taken from her.” For all baptized into the Body of Christ | to chose only and always the “better part” – that is, life and companionship with Jesus. | We pray

2. “He who does justice will live in the presence of the Lord.” For citizens of this nation and all countries to desire and to work for authentic justice – that is, | life lived in harmony with the Divine Law of mercy that reverences all human life. | For greater love and mercy within our families and lives, we pray

3. May our parish model the energetic hospitality of Abraham and Sarah | by providing the Word of God and the Bread of Eternal life to all as Food that refreshes now and into eternity. | For continued blessings on our parish food pantry, Saint Martha Cupboard, and all who work to eradicate hunger and thirst in the world. | We pray

4. For all travellers – and especially those journeying to World Youth Day. | For all weighed-down by the burdens, anxieties and worries of life. | We pray

5. As “Your words, Lord, are Spirit and life” | heal and refresh the sick, especially … |
Receive into the eternal Kingdom all who have died, especially ... We pray

Almighty Father,
pour out more fully upon us
the grace of Your Holy Spirit, and grant that,
walking in the vocation You have planted within us,
we may bear witness to Your truth before all peoples.
Through our Lord Jesus Christ, Your Son,
Who lives and reigns with You in the
unity of the Holy Spirit, one God for ever and ever.