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Wednesday of the
Seventh Week in Ordinary Time

“Those who love her love life; those who seek her out win the LORD’S favor.” (Sirach 4:12.)

Rabanus Maurus comments on this verse from the First Reading proclaimed at Mass today:

“Let us understand that the divine wisdom, which is rightly praised, in some way, is the same wisdom of God, that is, nothing else than Christ, the Son of God, of whom the apostle says, I preach Christ, the power of God and wisdom of God.” That same wisdom “inspires the lives of his children” when it gives to his disciples and to all the other faithful the knowledge of his mystery and reveals that of the gospel. It welcomes those who search for it, as it shall welcome the meek, and it shall precede them on the way of the justice of the Lord, who says, “I am the way, the truth and the life; whoever follows me shall not walk in darkness but shall have the light of life.” Therefore, who loves him, loves life, for he, observing his commandments, shall obtain eternal life, and “everyone who watches over it shall overflow with joy.” It is as promised in the book of Proverbs: “Blessed is the one who hears me, watching every day at my gates and looking toward my doorposts.” Call the holy Scriptures and their doctors the gates and the doorposts of the gate, without which we cannot enter into the promised life.” (On Ecclesiasticus, 1)

Grant, we pray, almighty God,
that, always pondering spiritual things,
we may carry out in both word and deed
that which is pleasing to You.
Through our Lord Jesus Christ, Your Son
Who lives and reigns with You
in the unity of the Holy Spirit,
God, for ever and ever.

Glory to the Father
and to the Son
and to the Holy Spirit:
as it was in the beginning,
is now, and will be forever. Amen
