Blessings to all Dominican Friars and Sisters. Happy Feast Day.

On this feast day of Saint Dominic, I express gratitude to all the Dominican Professors I was privileged to have in class during my doctoral studies in Rome at the Pontifical University of Saint Thomas Aquinas, commonly known as the Angelicum. In addition, I recall fondly two who have since died: Father Ambrosius Eßer (Esser [Eszer]), OP and Bishop Robert Christian OP.

Fr Eßer OP pictured at his desk in the
Congregation for the Causes of Saints
As a young Dominican friar, Father Eßer studied under the great patristic scholar, Father Irénée Hausherr. I am grateful for the many conversations in which the uber polyglot, stunningly brilliant, witty, humorous and holy Father Eßer ‘handed-on’ the great patristic legacy of the Church and the insights of Father Hausherr. I was blessed to have him for a number of courses in patrology and patristic theology as well as to have him direct my doctoral thesis on Saint Gregory of Nyssa. Fr Eßer died during the Easter Season of 2010 on April 12.

Lord God,
You chose our brother Ambrosius
to serve your people as a priest
and to share the joys and
burdens of their lives.
Look with mercy on him
and give him the reward of his labors,
the fullness of life promised to those
who preach Your holy Gospel.
We ask this through Christ our Lord.

Fr Robert Christian OP pictured prior
to his ordination as Bishop
On this day, I remember fondly another Dominican mentor, Bishop Robert Christian. His reputation at the Angelicum was universal - an outstanding professor with a breadth and depth of theological wisdom that always left us as his students pondering new insights. The then Father Christian taught an array of courses in Dogmatic Theology, notably in the areas of Ecclesiology, Ecumenism and Sacramental Theology. I am blessed to have been numbered among his students, particularly in the area of Sacramental Theology that I trust benefits the students and seminarians I now teach. Furthermore, I am indebted to him for his administrative help to work through the steps of scheduling my doctoral defense and for ultimately serving as chair of that panel. To the delight of many of us, he was named auxiliary bishop of San Francisco in March 2018 and ordained a bishop 5 June. Sadly, he died in his sleep on 11 July 2019.

O God,
Who chose Your servant Bishop Robert
from among Your Priests and
endowed him with pontifical dignity
in the apostolic priesthood,
grant, we pray,
that he may also be admitted
to their company for ever.
Through our Lord Jesus Christ, Your son,
Who lives and reigns with You
in the unity of the Holy Spirit,
one God, for ever and ever.

Eternal rest grant unto them, O Lord, and
let perpetual Light shine upon them.
May their souls and
all the souls of the faithful departed
rest in peace. Amen.

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