Universal Prayer or Prayer of the Faithful: Ordinary Time 10

God our Father, You visit us and through Your Son Jesus rescue us from sin and death. May that freedom, together with the presence and action of the Holy Spirit, move us to sing Your praises now and forever.

1. Father, You visit Your people and breathe life into us. May the breath of the Holy Spirit strengthen Pope Francis and Archbishop Charles to boldly proclaim new life in Jesus, risen from the dead. May the living of this Good News transform all life to sing Your praises now and forever. We pray …

2. Father, You visit Your people and breathe life into us. May the breath of the Holy Spirit create a culture of life that reverences life from conception to natural death. Form us as instruments of active charity to ease the burdens of the poor and all who find life burdensome. We pray …

3. Father, You visit Your people and breathe life into us. May the breath of the Holy Spirit be a mighty wind that builds unity among all elements of parish life. Give us a single vision that forms each of us as evangelizers to be a parish that works for the salvation for all people. We pray …

4. Father, You visit Your people and breathe life into us. May the breath of the Holy Spirit always renew Your divine life within us. Give to each of us the Holy Spirit’s Gifts that, like the prophet Elijah, all of our words may be voiced as Your Word of Life. We pray …

5. Father, You visit Your people and breathe life into us. May the breath of the Holy Spirit comfort and heal the sick in our midst, especially … [PAUSE] Raise up to Eternal Life all who have died, especially ... We pray …

Father of wisdom and love,
source of all good,
send Your Holy Spirit to teach us Your truth
and to guide our actions in Your path of peace.
Through our Lord Jesus Christ, Your Son,
Who lives and reigns with You in the unity of the Holy Spirit,
one God for ever and ever.

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