Voices ever ancient, ever new. Tuesday-Week23-2013.

“… For in him dwells the whole fullness of the deity bodily.” (Colossians 2:9)

Saint Gregory of Nyssa offers the following insight on this verse from today's Gospel:

“Since then it was impossible that our life, which had been estranged from God, should of itself return to the high and heavenly place, for this reason, as the apostle says, he who knew no sin is made sin for us and frees us from the curse by taking on him our curse as his own. Having taken up and, in the language of the apostle, “slain” in himself “the enmity” which by means of sin had come between us and God (in fact sin was the “enmity”) and having become what we were, he through himself again united humanity to God. For having by purity brought into closest relationship with the Father of our nature that new man which is created after God, in whom dwelled all the fullness of the Godhead bodily, he drew with him into the same grace all the nature that partakes of his body and is akin to him.” (Against Eunomious, 12)

Glory to You Father, Son and Holy Spirit:
as it was in the beginning is now
and will be forever. Amen!