Voices ever ancient, ever new. Monday-Week18-2013

In commenting on Matthew 14:17 from today’s Readings, Saint Hilary of Poitiers writes:

“But was Jesus unaware there was nothing to give? Did he not know the disciples possessed a limited amount of food? He could read their minds, so he knew. We are invited to explain things by reasoning according to types. It was not yet granted to the apostles to make and administer heavenly bread for the food of eternal life. Yet their response reflected an ordered reasoning about types: they had only five loaves and two fish. This means that up to then they depended on five loaves — that is, the five books of the law. And two fish nourished them — that is, the preaching of the prophets and of John. For in the works of the law there was life just as there is life from bread, but the preaching of John and the prophets restored hope to human life by virtue of water. Therefore the apostles offered these things first, because that was the level of their understanding at the time. From these modest beginnings the preaching of the gospel has proceeded from them, from these same apostles, until it has grown into an immense power. (On Matthew, 14).”

1 comment:

  1. While the Apostles were not "star pupils in the School of the Master" (Christoph Schonborn - Loving the Church), how Jesus, like Mary, loved to watch them grow and loves to watch us grow.
