Week 13 Saint Thomas, Apostle. Evangelizing Thought of the Day

DAILY SEQUENTIAL EXCERPTS from The New Evangelization for the Transmission of the Christian Faith – Instrumentum Laboris:

28. The Gospel of God's love for us, the call to take part in the life of the Father, through Jesus, in the Holy Spirit, is a gift meant for everyone. We proclaim Jesus himself, who calls everyone to conversion for the Kingdom of God. To emphasize this fact, Jesus drew especially near to those on the margins of society, giving them special favour, when he proclaimed the Gospel. At the beginning of his ministry, he proclaimed that he was sent to preach the good news to the poor (cf. Lk 4:18). To those despised and dejected, Jesus declares: "Blessed are you poor" (Lk 6:20) and, by standing with them, enables these individuals already to experience a sense of freedom (cf. Lk 5:30; 15:2). He eats with them, treats them as brothers and sisters and as friends (cf. Lk 7:34) and helps them to feel loved by God, thus revealing his great compassion for sinners and those in need.
29. The freedom and salvation brought by the Kingdom of God touch every human person both physically and spiritually. Two actions are attached to Jesus' work of evangelization: healing and forgiving. Multiple miracles of healing clearly demonstrate his great compassion in the face of human misery. They also indicate that, in the Kingdom, there will no longer be sickness and suffering and that, from the outset, his mission is aimed at freeing people from sickness and suffering (cf. Rev 21:4). Jesus' miracles of healing are also a sign of the salvation of the spirit, namely liberation from sin. In performing acts of healing, he invites people to faith, conversion and a desire for forgiveness (cf. Lk 5:24). Received in faith, healing leads to salvation (cf. Lk 18:42). Deliverance from demonic possession, the ultimate evil and symbol of sin and rebellion against God, is a sign that "the Kingdom of God has come upon you" (Mt 12:28) and that the Gospel, a gift of salvation meant for every person, initiates us into a process of transformation and participation in the life of God, who renews us in the present moment. (Instrumentum Laboris, “Chapter 1,” paragraph 28 and 29)

For the LORD takes delight in his people; he crowns the poor with salvation. Let the faithful exult in glory, and rejoice as they take their rest. (Psalm 149:4-5, Liturgy of the Hours: Morning Prayer).

Grant, almighty God,
that we may glory in the Feast of the blessed Apostle Thomas,
so that we may always be sustained by his intercession and,
believing, may have life in the name of Jesus Christ your Son,
whom Thomas acknowledged as the Lord.
Who lives and reigns with You
in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God,
for ever and ever.

Healing and forgiving – two actions of Jesus’ Public Ministry that define His offer of the Gospel to all people – are two actions that characterize a disciple’s life and the communal life of the local and universal Church, with particular attention to the marginalized and disenfranchised of the community. Here is where the Instrumentum Laboris is already of assistance to the Church. Many parish activities and organizations mirror Jesus' Public Ministry while other organizations sometimes have parishioners asking, "Why are we sponsoring this?"

  • How does your living of Christianity mirror Jesus' healing and forgiving actions?
  • Do all of your parish's activities and organizations reflect Jesus' healing and forgiving or do they serve another purpose or agenda?

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